Wooden Rings at Bullhorn Festival: 10/19/2024 8:00 PM

Bullhorn Fest 2024, a home-grown microcelebration of Durham creativity featuring live music, art, and a few other things that are pretty great. This year will raise funds and awareness for a free Palestine through UNRWA!

When: 10/19/2024, 12pm-9:30pm
Shadowbox Studio Bay Stage, 2000 Dominion St., Durham, North Carolina

Bullhorn Festival: https://bullhornarts.org/ bullhornarts.orginstagram.com/bullhorndurhamfacebook.com/bullhornarts

Performers include:

  • Wooden Rings @woodenringsmusic
  • Dynamism @thisheretree
  • Uglow @uglow.uknow
  • Durham Ceasefire Chorus @durhamceasefirechorus
  • Living Earth @vito_dito
  • Son de Carolina @sondecarolina
  • Dozy Daisy @ira.lemonbalm
  • Ken Moshesh and Friends @mosheshken 
  • Lakeview Crew https://www.dpsnc.net/Lakeview
  • Lucas Brown @brightburningbedrock, and Dr. Fruit kidsforpresident.com
Bullhorn amplifies Durham, North Carolina-area music through Play, Performance, and Possibility
  • When you arrive at 2000 Dominion St., signs will direct you to the festival area
  • Bullhorn Fest takes place outside on a lovingly paved surface
  • We offer one accessible indoor bathroom for guests, two 10’x10’ shade tents, and about 40 uncushioned chairs available first-come-first-serve
  • We welcome blankets, umbrellas, canopies, chairs, coolers, and outside food
  • Water, snacks, and Taqueria Garcia food truck will be available on site. Many restaurants deliver to the festival and other food options exist within one mile of the festival  
  • For the kids and other creatives, we offer a DIY art station, tie-dyeing, a small bounce house, face painting by Wymzfae, and an instrument meet and greet from 12:30-1pm

Wooden Rings & Mporium Allstars

Wooden Rings & Mporium Allstars Friday, November 22, 2019 at 8 PM – 12 AM Mporium [Message for location] The night begins warmly with a potluck at 8:00 PM at Mporium in Champaign. Opening the night, Wooden Rings will weave lush, original blends of folk and rock from their upcoming full-length vinyl release, Heliocentric. The band is exploring a larger sound in this body of work but not large enough for the small, intimate rooms, where audience are ritualistic about listening. Closing the night, with the home court advantage, the Mporium Allstars trio will play an eclectic mix of punk, pop, and rock covers from the 60’s forward. woodenringsmusic.com Facebook Event

In June

This image was captured from a music video Wooden Rings is producing for a song called, In June. The lyrics start us in the dark winter apartment in Chicago. It’s the type of winter that holds you hostage in your apartment, studying the drab walls, drinking too much, sick from cabin fever.

In that state, my mind is hypersensitive to sounds, like the sharp cracks and resonant metal screams of radiators in the lead-draped apartments I could afford. They found their way on this record. The music then shifts into nostalgia- longing for the tropics, vivid fruit and loving family, for the warm sun and the god in my grandfather’s garden. When my grandfather passed away, I was able to go home and taste it all again, laying him to rest.

This song will open our first new full length record, Heliocentric. Help us press it to vinyl bust supporting up here and sharing this post with friends and family. https://3arts.org/projects/heliocentric/

Thanks for making the leap,

Ramah Jihan