Bullhorn Fest 2024, a home-grown microcelebration of Durham creativity featuring live music, art, and a few other things that are pretty great. This year will raise funds and awareness for a free Palestine through UNRWA!
When: 10/19/2024, 12pm-9:30pm
Where: Shadowbox Studio Bay Stage, 2000 Dominion St., Durham, North Carolina
Bullhorn Festival: https://bullhornarts.org/ bullhornarts.org, instagram.com/bullhorndurham, facebook.com/bullhornarts
Performers include:
- Wooden Rings @woodenringsmusic
- Dynamism @thisheretree
- Uglow @uglow.uknow
- Durham Ceasefire Chorus @durhamceasefirechorus
- Living Earth @vito_dito
- Son de Carolina @sondecarolina
- Dozy Daisy @ira.lemonbalm
- Ken Moshesh and Friends @mosheshken
- Lakeview Crew https://www.dpsnc.net/Lakeview
- Lucas Brown @brightburningbedrock, and Dr. Fruit kidsforpresident.com

- When you arrive at 2000 Dominion St., signs will direct you to the festival area
- Bullhorn Fest takes place outside on a lovingly paved surface
- We offer one accessible indoor bathroom for guests, two 10’x10’ shade tents, and about 40 uncushioned chairs available first-come-first-serve
- We welcome blankets, umbrellas, canopies, chairs, coolers, and outside food
- Water, snacks, and Taqueria Garcia food truck will be available on site. Many restaurants deliver to the festival and other food options exist within one mile of the festival
- For the kids and other creatives, we offer a DIY art station, tie-dyeing, a small bounce house, face painting by Wymzfae, and an instrument meet and greet from 12:30-1pm