
Michigan 2021

It’s February, the darkest, coldest, shortest month of the year. And like many we have been working hard, stressing, trying to grow in a place that doesn’t want to see growth. We’ve been working from home, sitting around, pacing our minds. But you know what, we’ve been together.

Wooden Rings has been practicing at our East Garfield space, writing new songs, gestating, and spending quite a bit of time on our sounds and equipment. We’d like to grow by incorporating some technology that has the premise to make us freer, more consistent, more efficient, and maybe with enough practice, more creative.

We’ve been thinking about how to pandemic swept our previous record right from under up. Many didn’t get a chance to hear it or never heard it live. Heliocentric was a vinyl endeavor and particularly sensitive to isolation. If we don’t play rooms, audiences never hear our work or consider supporting us. We could have scrambled to play online. But I just couldn’t do that to myself or my bandmates.

We all just needed time.

But now I think we are on the cusp of a new set, considering some starter shows, and eager to try some of our testy new gear. Will it fit? Will it completely fail? Or will it be so satisfying, we’ll forget how we were before?

We all work harder than ever outside of this project and we all want some new things out of life since the pandemic. May 2022 be a vehicle for us to express ourselves in this music, to grow closer together and wiser as individuals.

I love my bandmates, Nathan, Alex, and Liz. We appreciate anyone and everyone who will stop for a moment to listen to what we’ve constructed, not to tear us down but to hear the truths we share and be edified.

So, I want us to play out again soon.


Just a practice 2021
Michigan 2021